(707) 544-5778
Although barbeques usually inspire happy images of outdoors gatherings and great food, using a gas BBQ on a deck can be extremely dangerous if the area is not adequately ventilated. In this case, fumes from a gasoline can ignited the balcony and exterior of the building, and spread into the second story unit before the fire department arrived. Luckily, the sixteen unit structure was quickly evacuated and nobody was hurt. As often occurs, the fire damage was surprisingly minimal compared to the smoke and water damage. Smoke entered the attic spaces of all eight upper units causing severe damage and health hazards for the balcony units' occupants. Most of the structural damage was caused by the significant amount of water used to put out the fire. Additionally, the fire department cut holes in the roof to fight the blaze in the attic. The result was that thousands of gallons poured through the structure flooding most of the units in the building, and rendering
NBE Scope of Work:
Fire and Soot Cleanup
Water Damage

The entire project included significant work on all sixteen units and was completed in six months. The property owner, insurance company, and property manager were extremely pleased with our timely work, and especially our efforts to improve the property while keeping costs down. We are very proud of our work, but in looking back we are still sad when thinking about all of the tenants' losses as none had renters insurance. Some were able to salvage certain belongings, but others lost everything. We now make a point of suggesting renters insurance to all our family, friends and associates who rent!
Second floor balcony fire
Finished bedroom after fire
Fire damaged bedroom
them all uninhabitable. NorthBay Environmental, Inc.was retained as general contractor to direct and
perform all phases of the fire cleanup, restoration and reconstruction.

Call us: (707) 544-5778